In our Women's Ministry, we strive to equip, encourage, and enrich women in the their relationship with Jesus. As sisters in Christ, we find that spending time in community is not only needed for deeper connections, but to walk alongside one another even in the darkest valleys.

Women's Prayer & Study

Mondays at 9:30 am | Online

You are invited to join our weekly Monday morning study. We study the scriptures, share concerns, and celebrate praises!

Purl Girls Knitting Group

9:30 am | Wednesdays | Conference Room

Knit Wits Knitting Group

1 pm | Wednesdays | Conference Room

Women of Faith

1 pm | 2nd Wednesdays | Chapel

Join us for devotions, fellowship, and community awareness. We're “ordinary women doing extra-ordinary things!”

Women on Wednesday

Starting September 11th | 6:30 pm | Wednesdays | Conference Room

We pray for each other and study God’s Word together. This is a welcoming group of women who want to draw closer to God and go deeper in their relationship with Him.