• Love a Teacher!

    Envelopes now available in the lobby

    This year, our Faithbridge Family will bless the teachers of Julian Thomas. Teachers will let us know their 3 favorite restaurants, we'll put name/restaurants on an envelope, you'll select an envelope, buy a $25 gift card from one of the restaurants, place it in the envelope, seal it & return it to church. Then we'll place them in handmade cards (thanks Dianne Drefahl & team!) and deliver them to the school before Valentine's Day!

  • 20's-40's Ministry: Tubing at the Rock

    5-7 pm  I  RESCHEDULED to Sunday, February 2nd

    Come tube with us! Kids over 36" tall are welcome to tube too! If you're not into tubing fun, come and hang out with your Faithbridge Family in our very own yurt! Cost for tubing is $25/person. Cost for fun is priceless!

    If you want to tube, you need to sign up. Click HERE by Friday, January 31st, to register!

  • Weekend to Remember Marriage Retreat

    March 14-16  I  Madison Marriott West

    Take time to invest in your marriage!  Your marriage is worth it! SIGN UP HERE.  CLICK HERE to see more about the speakers, hotel reservations and weekend schedule. 

  • Men's Ministry: No Regrets Men's Conference

    8AM-2PM | Saturday, Feb. 1st | Elmbrook Church | $45

    No Regrets Men’s Conference is a blue ribbon event for men who want a faith that matters. We will meet with thousands of men to hear renowned speakers who have a unique and compelling way of presenting the Gospel to men that applies to everyday life. There is powerful and energetic worship, riveting speakers, and breakout workshops that combine for an experience that is anything but trite. Purchase either a single ticket or multiple tickets

    The deadline to sign-up is January 26th.

  • Empty Bowls

    10:15AM-12:30PM  l  Sunday, February 2nd

    It's painting time! Help alleviate hunger in Racine and have fun at the same time! We'll once again have take home kits available ($25/kit) as well as a Sunday morning where you and your family can paint a bowl ($20/bowl). Details are in the registration form. Signup by Thursday, January 30th. Click HERE to sign up!

  • Starting Point Member Class!

    9am-12pm | Saturday, February 8th

    Want to find out more about Faithbridge? Are you interested in what it means to be a member? Take our Starting Point class! Questions? Contact Pastor Karin at to learn more. If you need childcare, please sign up by Sunday, February 2nd. Sign-up HERE. 

  • Senior's Ministry: Valentine's Concert with John Schindler

    9:30-10:30am | Thursday, February 13th

    John Schindler with his silky, powerful baritone voice is back to captivate us through melodies and thoughtful songs. He has been here before and people loved his singing and Gospel presentation. He is back to tell us of the greatest valentine of all, God's love come to us in the person of Jesus. Bring a friend, neighbor or seeker in quest of deeper faith. John is sure to touch each heart.