• Sermon Series: PILGRIMAGE Small Groups | March 2nd

    Pastor Creighton has started his series, "Pilgrimage." This will be our winter small group series starting March 2nd! SIGN UP HERE to be in a

    6-week small group.

  • Adult Mission Trip 2025! | Kansas City, Missouri

    June 21st-27th

    We're so happy that God has called you to serve on this trip.
    Applications must be submitted by Monday, March 3rd

    SIGN UP HERE If you have any questions or concerns, contact Dan Cramer at missions@faithbridgewi.com.

  • Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?

    Friday, March 7th | Host or Be a Guest

    Have fun with the unknown and enjoy a meal with members of the church you may or may not know! Your host will provide the main dish and you'll bring either an appetizer, vegetable, or dessert. No childcare is provided. SIGN UP HERE by 12 pm on Sunday, March 2nd.

  • Seniors Ministry: St. Patrick's Day Celebration!

    9:30-10:30AM | Thursday, March 13th | Gathering Place

    The Rusty Mackerel captivated us last year with the authentic Irish music. And, as they entertained and preformed crowd-pleasing sing-a-longs they also taught us about their various instruments. They did all of that with only three members. This year, they join us bringing the full band of seven members for what is sure to be an hour packed with toe-tapping Celtic music. This event is perfect for bringing a friend, neighbor or guest.

  • Weekend to Remember Marriage Retreat

    March 14-16  I  Madison Marriott West

    Take time to invest in your marriage! SIGN UP HEREYour marriage is worth it!  CLICK HERE to see more about the speakers, hotel reservations and weekend schedule. 

  • Easter Flowers | Order Now!

    HELP DECORATE OUR SANCTUARY FOR EASTER! Order now through noon, on March 20th. Pick up or donate your flowers after the last service on Easter Sunday. Flowers can be given in honor or memory of a loved one. Each plant will be labeled with a name. SIGN UP HERE or sign up at the Information Desk in the Lobby to purchase flowers.