Fall Kickoff & Church Picnic
12:30 pm | Sunday, September 12th | Smolenksi Park, 438 S Stuart Rd, Mt Pleasant
Join us outside at Smolenksi Park for a fun all-church picnic to celebrate Fall Kickoff! If you can, bring salad, dessert, or a side dish, yard games, and lawn chairs. We'll provide a main course, drinks, and place settings, and the park has tables and convenient bathrooms.
New Service Times
Starting Sunday, September 12th, services will be as follows:
- 9 am | Traditional Worship
- 10:30 am | Worship
Sunday Morning Programming
Starting September 12th
- 9 am: SHINE Musical (Lower Level) | Sunday Morning Life Groups (Chapel and Conference Room) | Student Life Small Groups (Lower Level)
- 10:30 am: Kid Life (Lower Level) | Crossbearers (Chapel)
Wednesday Night Programming
Starting September 15th
- 6:15 pm: Choir (Starting September 8th)
- 6:30 pm: Kid Life (Lower Level) | Student Life (Chapel, Fellowship Hall, Lower Level) | Women on Wednesday (Conference Room)
- Kids and students are invited to join us at 6 pm for pizza before programming starts!